The only thing I know about writing for sure is that the more you write, the better you write, and the more you read, the better you write. I've been saying this for forty years, and I seen the truth of it borne out many times. If you're thinking that Stephen King said the same thing in his wonderful book, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, you're right, he did. But his book came out in 2001; he stole the idea from me. Okay, just kidding; all writers understand this. Take any book on writing--I have most of them--and you'll find useful tips and encouragement. But boil those books down to their essence and you'll be left with two immutable truths: the more you write, the better you write. The more you read, the better you write.
The 41st year of Writing Classes begins on September 10 & 12
Writing From Winter Into Spring
2024 Writing Classes with Rick Ohler
-Creative Writing Workshop (Tuesday evenings) begins September 10
-Writing Your Memoirs and Family Histories (Thursday afternoons) begins September 12
Writers all,
I’m pleased, proud and, frankly, amazed to announce that the 41st winter of writing classes with Rick Ohler will begin in a few weeks. Forty-one years! (I don't like to overuse the exclamation point, but this one seems appropriate.) The Tuesday Creative Writing Workshop starts on September 10 and runs until December 17; the cost is $85 for 15 meetings. The Thursday Writing Your Family Histories and Memoirs class begins on September 12 and runs until December 19; the cost is $75 for 14 meetings. Both classes are hybrid now, the legacy of Covid; participants can join us in the library at the Aurora Senior Center or attend remotely through the magic of Zoom. Geography no longer matters; we've had writers from both coasts, Florida, Chicago, Buffalo, Arizona and Dublin, Ireland.
What I’ve loved so much about these gatherings of kindred spirits who love writing, reading and words is the opportunity to really listen to each others’ stories. We get real when we write, when we listen and when we are listened to. And we have a lot of fun in the process.
To join the fall round of these supportive, welcoming classes, contact me by return email, through the website, www.rickohler.com, or find me on Facebook or Instagram.
Looking forward to sharing the warmth of stories as we write from winter into spring, Rick
Here is the lineup:
1. Creative Writing Workshop. Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. Sept. 10-Dec. 19. Fifteen meetings $85. In-person at the Aurora Senior Center or on Zoom. We welcome writers of all experience levels from complete beginners to published authors. Share your stories in all genres—fiction, non-fiction, memoir, essay, family history, poetry, children’s literature. The atmosphere is always supportive and encouraging. The group dynamic quickly evolves into one where everyone, even the most reluctant reader, can feel comfortable sharing. The bargain we make is that we will listen with genuine interest to your stories if you will do the same for us. Bring your project in progress or respond to suggestions from me and your classmates. It’s a special two hours every week.
2. Writing Your Memoirs and Family Histories. Thursdays 4:00-6:00 p.m. Sept. 12-Dec. 19. Fifteen meetings $75. In-person at the Aurora Senior Center or on Zoom. We welcome writers of all experience level from complete beginners to published authors. Share the stories of your life or those of your family members past and present. Over the years, writers have produced precious documents that are as simple as family stories stapled together or as sophisticated as hardbound books. They have reached back across generations and written about events taking place right now. The atmosphere is always supportive and conducive to sharing. We ask only that you be as enthusiastic a listener as you are a writer. Bring your project in progress or respond to suggestions from me. It’s a special two hours every week.
Three Prompts to Get You Started:
1. Write about the most memorable meal you've ever had. It can be memorable in any way--food, company (if any), location, circumstance.
2. Write about your first (or most significant) crush.
3. On the horns of a dilemma.