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Creative Writing and Memoirs Classes with Rick Ohler Begin May 17


Three classes to choose from:

Tuesday night Creative Writing Workshop (Zoom/in-person hybrid)

Tuesday morning and afternoon Project Focus Workshop (Zoom only)

Thursday afternoon Memoirs and Family Histories (Zoom/in-person hybrid)


1. Tuesday Night Creative Writing Workshop—Zoom or In-person at the Aurora Senior Center

Anything goes in this class—fiction, memoir, family history, children’s literature, poetry. It’s an encouraging, nurturing class that can help even the most reluctant writer get going. Beginning and experienced writers are welcome. Over 11 sessions from May into July, writers can expect to share their work about every other week. Bring works in progress of respond to prompts. You learn from the feedback you receive on your work, and you learn by engaging with other writers as you help them with their stories. And you learn perhaps most of all by reading your work aloud, or having others read it aloud. Send your stories to the class by email ahead of time. Enjoy the flexibility of attending in-person or from the comfort of home.


Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. Eastern time beginning May 17 and running through July 26. $63  cash, check (148 Knox Road, East Aurora, NY 14052), Venmo or Zelle. I can also process credit cards in person.



2. Tuesday Morning and Afternoon Project Focus         Workshops--up to four writers—Zoom only

For writers who have a project planned and want to get serious. These small groups—limited to four writers—might be just the ticket. We meet on Zoom; everyone has a chance to read every session. By sending your work out by email before class, we hit the ground running every Tuesday. You learn from the feedback you receive on your work, and you learn by engaging with other writers as you help them with their stories. And you learn perhaps most of all by reading your work aloud, or having others read it aloud.


Tuesdays 8:00-10:00 a.m. or Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 p.m. Eastern time. 

Ten sessions beginning May 17. $125 cash, check (148 Knox Road, East Aurora, NY 14052), Venmo or Zelle. I can also process credit cards in person.


3. Thursday Afternoon: Writing Your Memoirs or Family History—Zoom or In-person at the Aurora Senior Center library

Sometimes you need the encouragement of kindred spirits to help you with your memoirs or family history. This is a fun, encouraging, supportive class for writers of all experience level. You learn from the feedback you receive on your work, and you learn by engaging with other writers as you help them with their stories. And you learn perhaps most of all by reading your work aloud, or having others read it aloud. Bring works in progress or respond to prompts. Enjoy the flexibility of attending in-person or from the comfort of home.



Thursdays 4:00-6:00 Eastern Time 10 sessions beginning May 19. $63 cash, check (148 Knox Road, East Aurora, NY 14052), Venmo or Zelle.


















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